
About Karen Badal Hacker

Karen Badal Hacker's story is a profound testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the power of compassion and faith to transform personal tragedy into a source of strength and support for others. Born and raised in California, Karen's journey through grief and loss is both heartbreaking and inspiring. With the loss of two babies, followed by the loss of seven immediate family members in just six years, she has faced more than her fair share of sorrow. Yet, it's her response to these trials that truly defines her.

Karen and her husband Rick's dedication to supporting others through their grief is a beacon of hope for many. Through the founding of 8:28 Hope in the Darkness, they have created a community where those navigating the complex journey of grief can find understanding, education, and care. This commitment, fueled by Karen's personal experiences, offers a unique perspective on the grieving process and the ways in which individuals can find paths to healing.

Karen's professional success as an art licensing agent, coupled with her co-founding of a non-profit, demonstrates a multifaceted approach to life—one that balances personal achievements with a deep commitment to serving others. Her leadership in Empty Arms, a support group specifically for parents dealing with miscarriage, stillbirth, and infant loss, speaks to her understanding of the nuanced and deeply personal nature of grief.

What makes Karen's story especially compelling is her unwavering faith, empathy, and compassion. These qualities have not only helped her navigate her own losses but have also been a guiding light for countless others facing their darkest moments. Her life's work reflects a belief in the potential for healing and the importance of community support during times of profound sadness.

In essence, Karen Badal Hacker embodies the resilience and generosity of spirit that can emerge from the depths of personal tragedy. Her journey is a reminder of the strength found in faith, the healing power of empathy, and the impact one person can make in the lives of many through acts of kindness and support.


828 Hope in the Darkness

Ready to find hope in the darkness?

Be among the first to experience the transformative power of '8:28 Hope in the Darkness' by Karen Badal Hacker, now available on Amazon. Drawing inspiration from Romans 8:28, this book offers practical guidance, helpful tools, personal stories, stories of others, and faith to navigate profound loss.

Click the link below to purchase and embark on a journey of healing and hope.

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