welcome to hope

Providing Hope and Healing in Grief


About Us

At 828 Hope, we understand the profound impact of loss and the complex emotions that come with it. Our mission is to provide compassionate care, counsel, and support to individuals and families navigating the challenging journey of grief.

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New Release! 828 Hope in the Darkness

Ready to find hope in the darkness?

Be among the first to experience the transformative power of '8:28 Hope in the Darkness' by Karen Badal Hacker, now available on Amazon. Drawing inspiration from Romans 8:28, this book offers practical guidance, helpful tools, personal stories, stories of others, and faith to navigate profound loss.

Click the link below to purchase and embark on a journey of healing and hope.

Buy it on Amazon.com Learn More

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We are here to support you wherever you are in your grief

Comprehensive Grief Support

Our support groups, counseling, and educational programs are tailored to your unique needs.

Spiritual Healing

Find solace, hope, and faith through our Christ-centered approach.

Community and Connection

Join a compassionate community that understands and supports your journey.


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The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.

Psalm 34:18

Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.

Matthew 5:4

For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.

Philippians 4:13

We grieve deeply because we love deeply.

8:28 Hope in the Darkness

Sometimes, our greatest blessings can be a result of our most significant pain.

8:28 Hope in the Darkness


We aim to provide




Take the first step toward healing and hope - Whether you're seeking individual counseling, joining a support group, or attending one of our healing events, we're here to provide the guidance and care you deserve.


Community-Centered Approach

Joining our community means connecting with others who share similar experiences & beliefs, while providing comfort and strength through shared stories and mutual support.


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Karen & Rick Hacker


We grieve deeply because we love deeply.

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From Heartbreak to Healing and Hope

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